Thursday, January 24, 2019


HELP! I have a major issue.  Is there anyone out there reading this that uses a Mac and has updated the operating system to Mojave? I have a MacBook Air and updated to Mojave a week or two ago--don't ask me why as I am REALLY kicking myself right now!

Since that time, I have been unable to fully log into my blog and, therefore, cannot reply to any comments others have posted on my blog nor comment on other blogs that use Blogger.  I am unsure if this is an issue with Blogger or Google.

As you can see, I can post a new entry.  When I sign in using my google account, it shows I am logged into Blogger and can go to my reading list and read those I am following though cannot comment on any of those entries.  I can type a comment, but it will not post and, when I select comment via my google account (which is my only option), my picture is not there and it will not post the comment.  It is on this screen I can use the New Post button to post a new entry; however, when I go to the View Blog button, it takes me back to the main screen but I'm no longer logged in.  Grrrrr!!!!

I have noticed a difference in what I typically see when posting as my picture used to be there coinciding with my google account but is not any longer.  Also, the one time I was able to comment on someone's post, it gave me the option to manually do so with my name or anonymously and worked when I used my name though then did not work the next time I tried it.  I haven't seen that option again.  I have been able to comment on blogs hosted by Wordpress though it has been sketchy.

How is that for clear as mud???

I have researched issues with Mojave and sent Help requests--all to no avail.  Clearly, technology and I do not get along:(  Is there anyone with knowledge of this issue able to provide some insight regarding how I might rectify it before I lose my marbles?

I apologize to all those I typically comment on as I have been repeatedly trying with no success.  I thank you in advance for any help you can provide.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Today, let us recognize and appreciate his bravery and quest for freedom and equality...and always have a dream!

Friday, January 11, 2019

Angel's Forever Home Book Review

I am pleased to share my most recent book review. 

Authors: Rita Gigante, Bobbie Sterchele-Gigante & Donna McDine
Illustrator: Renie DeMase
Publisher: Mascot Books
Published: 2019

ANGEL’S FOREVER HOME is a heart-warming tale of hope, courage, love and comfort as a rescue dog named Angel waits patiently to find his home after an earthquake in Chile leaves him injured.  The authors of this sweet story beautifully capture Angel’s voice and make him so relatable one can’t help but root for him and hope he finds a home as special as he.  The kindness shown to Angel tugs at one’s heartstrings, especially in appreciation of rescue animals everywhere and those giving them their “forever homes.” Ms. DeMase’s beautifully detailed and soft illustrations really bring Angel and his story to life.  A must read for children and adults alike! 

To purchase your copy, please see one of the following:

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

StoryStorm Begins

Here we go...the best way I know to kick off the start of a new writing year is with Tara Lazar's StoryStorm.

It's not too late for you to join the fun.  Sign up by January 7 and add 30+ fresh writing ideas to kick off the new year.

Learn more at

Happy New Year to you and yours!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year

Welcome to 2019! Wishing you all a healthy, happy and prosperous new year, wherever and whatever your path may be.  May you receive all life's blessings and enjoy the best year yet!