Monday, May 29, 2017

Find Your Creativity

Well, lately, the thud of the tennis ball has landed squarely in the wrong quadrant writing wise.  Wrapping up the school year for the kids and work year for me, sports and activity obligations and now preparations to depart on a much needed family vacation tomorrow have all served to waylay my time for writing--and energy for the same.

I have my good pen and notebook packed and plan to recharge my batteries while lounging in the surf and sand.  You know what they say about the best laid plans, but I am hoping for a creativity burst.  There is nothing like fresh ocean air and sound to spur on creativity.  I will check in upon my return and report my progress.

Until then...keep writing!


  1. Have a fun vacation, and may your muse run wild with fantastic stories.

    1. Thanks, Beverly...nothing much written but definitely ideas swirling around in my brain.
