Monday, May 29, 2017

Find Your Creativity

Well, lately, the thud of the tennis ball has landed squarely in the wrong quadrant writing wise.  Wrapping up the school year for the kids and work year for me, sports and activity obligations and now preparations to depart on a much needed family vacation tomorrow have all served to waylay my time for writing--and energy for the same.

I have my good pen and notebook packed and plan to recharge my batteries while lounging in the surf and sand.  You know what they say about the best laid plans, but I am hoping for a creativity burst.  There is nothing like fresh ocean air and sound to spur on creativity.  I will check in upon my return and report my progress.

Until then...keep writing!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Life Lessons in Tennis

I was sitting watching several of my son's tennis matches yesterday and started thinking how applicable that tennis ball was to life as I watched it thunk back and forth across the net. The back and forth of the tennis ball made me think of the back and forth of my writing life.  Perhaps because there was so much I needed to be home doing at that moment (both writing wise and otherwise), but such is the stage of life I am in right now. I can't miss one of my kid's activities, and I was, technically, now thinking about a blog post in my head.  The back and forth doesn't at all represent the interest in writing for me but rather the commitment to prioritize it.  Thud...making the time to write before anything else.  Thud...doing everything else FIRST in an effort to have a bigger block of time to write only to be left with NO time. Back and forth, back and forth, all the way to the deuce point. What's going to take it...the non-essentials or the writing? One's head controls the choice in the game of tennis. One's head also controls the choice in writing.  So, what's it going to be? Many days, the ball lands squarely in the net and goes nowhere. Today, it was a little more back and forth for me in the productivity department. How about you? Game, set, match!