
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Conquering Fear

I saw this quote today, and it really hit home.  I've been working a bit on something new that has been nudging the edges of my psyche for a while.  But, it scares the pants off me.  One, it is not like anything I've ever written.  Two, it is pretty personal.  Three, it might totally suck!  I've been trying to fight through that fear and press on so when I saw this quote, it was like an aha moment telling me to just keep writing.  I'm sure it will be a "shitty rough draft" in Anne Lamott's words, but such is life.  Perseverance pays, so they say, and I agree.  If at first you don't succeed, try and try again...

I'm curious...do you find fear is a driving force in your writing?  If so, is it the fear of starting something new? The unknown? The outcome of what happens when the writing and editing is complete? 

It is all of the above for me I think.  At least, it is when I over think.  I find I do much better when an idea germinates briefly and springs into my mind, flowing out on paper.  This is probably easiest with the children's picture books I've written, at least for that first rough draft.  But that does give me something with which to work.  It seems to be the longer books that paralyze me once I reach a certain point and am not sure how best to proceed.  Last night, I dreamt of a wall type picture board with various colored sticky notes all over it (those that know me well know I LOVE sticky notes), so I think this is my subconscious helping me figure out how to start getting to the other side of fear on this particular WIP.  Once created, I will post a picture of my sticky note poster board of ideas:)

I'd love to hear how you fight through and past the fear that can grip you or ignore it and press on if able.


  1. Great quote! Fear? I've never really considered fear in my writing, but when I think about it yes, I have fear. Is the story any good? Will it say what I want it to say? Is it too much like another story? Are the characters "real" and will the reader understand them and fall in love with them? Gee. That's a lot of fear. Maybe it's good that I just write and don't think about fear. :) That's what I do: write. I'm slow. I may spend the whole morning and only finish two or three pages. But I can't go on, until the story seems right.
    Looking forward to seeing your poster board. I make vision boards with pictures of the characters, notes jotted beside them, sometimes their houses and cars and anything that helps me "see" the characters.

    1. I am going to try to just write too and not spend too much time thinking. Slow and steady wins the race, so the saying goes:) I like the idea of your vision board...seems a great way to really get into the heart of the story and characters. Thanks for stopping by, Beverly!

  2. Get out there and buy your board and sticky notes (love those sticky notes) and get grooving on your creativity! Looking forward to reading your first draft!

    1. Thanks so much, Donna! You know me though...I am a little worried I will get so caught up in my board and sticky notes, I will lose the focus on writing:) It will be fun to create though...I have visions of colored sticky notes dancing in my head!
