
Monday, November 15, 2010

Dive In

"Today, I'll take a deep breath and plunge into the calm lake of creative material within me."

What a promise to oneself and terrific way to begin a new writing week! These are the words I read this morning in WALKING ON ALLIGATORS. Susan Shaughnessy continues to inspire me on a daily basis with this book. In today's exerpt, she discusses the fact that "the only way to write is to dive in." The rest will come later, but we must not linger on the edge of inspiration, we must dive in--use the stories and ideas to plunge ahead and create.

Let me leave you with the words of Beverly Lowry who speaks to the heart of this:

"The material's out there, a calm lake waiting for us to dive in."

Let's take the plunge, shall we?

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