
Monday, October 11, 2010


In reading the author interview accompanying this week in my Bylines Writer's Desk Calendar, I was reminded again of very important advice: butt in chair! This is particularly important this week as I embark on my first ever MUSE Online Writers Conference.

In the interview, Diane Stark discusses how she uses her daily life events--field trips with kids, weight loss, marriage, divorce, etc.--as the basis of her writing. Ultimately, that is what we writers do--turn daily events into something others want to read. What helped me this morning was Diane's advice to...

"Live your life, paying attention to the story ideas around you. And then apply the seat of your pants to the seat of the chair and write." Great advice and reminder to start out a Monday and new writing week. Thank you, Diane!


  1. BIC and HOK (hands on keyboard), MFE (mind fully engaged)--let's go!

  2. LIke the descriptions, Jane! I'm working hard toward all three today.

    Thanks for stopping by.

