Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Firstly, I would like to say thank you for your patience with my very inconsistent blogging this summer.  I've now completed all of the continuing education requirements for work that had been taking up so much of my time and am now trying to get back on track.

As such, I was reading a chapter of PAGE AFTER PAGE by Heather Sellers this morning.  I started the book some time ago but never finished.  I cracked it open this morning and what I read was like a breath of fresh air.

Sellers was talking about the tools we have to write, not the physical tools so much as the tools within.  She says we should use the topics within us, the things only we know, to create and write and states, "write whatever the heck" you want to write about.  "This is what we want to know.  The tiny things people do.  The little things they say."

She further goes on to discuss all we've heard before...write what you and only you know, write what you want to read and suggests we make it all too hard by over-thinking and analyzing everything which really hit home to me.  I can frequently think so long and hard about the what and the how that I lose sight of (and time for) the actual doing.  Sellers says we have all the tools we need, we just need to sit down and write.

The one thing that really resonated, and I found myself highlighting, is this:

"The single most important tool in your tool kit is to stay simple--truly simple.  Stop making this harder than it is."

So, you know everything you need to know...join me in taking Seller's advice and just sit down and write!


  1. Good advice, Karin. Why is it so hard to keep it simple? :)

  2. I wish I knew, my friend, but I'm going to do my best to try.

    Thanks for stopping by, Jane.

