
Monday, January 23, 2012

Having Fun

I recently blogged about my new blog/website and having patience in my process. I'm not having much patience with it myself and have decided I will just keep on posting here until such time as I get it all figured out.

I have been thinking about all of the things I am supposed to do in this writing life...write, edit, read, blog, market, submit, build a platform, create products and services by which to generate income, etc. I've been so caught up in all the things to do, that I have totally lost sight of what drove me to this life in the first place--the love of writing.

When I started my first ICL class and began writing in earnest (or as much as possible with small children), I focused on writing and had fun. I recently realized I am not having fun anymore. And, I'm barely writing.

There is only so much time in the day I can dedicate to writing (and writing related activities), so the snipets of time here and there seem to get taken up by email, blog reading or something besides writing. I want to go back to that fun place. I want to enjoy writing just for writing sake again. Publication has always been and will remain my ultimate goal, but I realized I need to spend some time just writing to see what I can churn out. One of my goals for this year is to generate income with my writing, but, unless I actually produce some writing, that won't even be a possiblity.

So, here's to heading back to having fun. I'll keep you updated along the way.

Anyone else out there having a similar problem?


  1. Karin,

    Get back to your writing and the rest will follow later on. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Hang in there!

    Warmest regards,
