
Monday, December 27, 2010


The Morning Nudge I received recently from Suzanne Lieurance is one I wanted to share, in part, with you. If you are not part of her Morning Nudge program, I strongly suggest you consider doing so. Her daily "nudges" are extremely helpful in focusing one's day in the right direction.

As we look to the start of the new year, we always consider our progress or lack thereof on goals from this past year, make resolutions and set new goals for the upcoming year. I found Suzanne's suggestions particulary helpful as I consider where I've been and where I am heading in this new year.

Per Suzanne, ask yourself:

1. What worked? In 2010, what did I do that allowed me to accomplish my professional goals or at least took me closer to accomplishing those goals?

2. What didn't work? In 2010, what did I do that really didn't take me closer to accomplishing my professional goals?

3. What's next? Based on what worked and what didn't work in 2010, what do I need to do in 2011 to accomplish my career goals?

Please consider visiting Suzanne's website and signing up for The Morning Nudge Club. You won't regret it! For more information, go to http://workingwriterscoach.com/


  1. Hi Karin, thanks for the nudge. I hope your Christmas was merry and your new year will be filled with many writing and publishing blessings. I'm hopping over to Suzanne's website now!

  2. Thanks for visiting, Patricia! I hope your Christmas was wonderful as well. Best wishes for a healthy, happy and prosperous new year, both personally and professionally.


  3. Karin:

    Happy New Year! Let's get rolling in 2011! Success is at our fingertips!

    Warm regards,
