Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I've spoken before of Suzanne Lieurance and The Morning Nudge. Her daily words to inspire and motivate are a constant source of wisdom and guidance, and I strongly encourage you all to subscribe.

In today's Morning Nudge, she talks of distractions and working through them. Given the extent of all the distractions around me currently as we wrap up the school year and move into the chaos of summer, I found it particularly helpful. But the other thing she talked of this morning is something I believe many of us battle at times. It is the notion that family and friends "often just don't get it when it comes to your writing." Very well said, Suzanne! She goes on to say...

"They just don't understand how serious you are--or want to be--about your work." She talks about not letting them "pull you away from your writing" and being "nice, but firm, when it comes to family and friends" so as not to be pulled away from your writing. I think it is probably difficult to "get it" if you are not a writer and trying to make it as a writer; however, I know, for me, it can be frustrating and defeating to deal with that kind of attitude from others. How do you deal with it in your writing life?

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