Do you like leftovers? I am not so much a fan typically. Lately, however, my life seems to involve a lot of leftovers; at least, my writing life seems to be getting a lot of the leftovers--of time, energy, etc.
I've often spoken previously of my need for an organized life and work zone in order to be functional and productive. I do frequently feel the need to complete all I want/need to accomplish in a day before moving on to fit writing into the leftover time--and energy which is often nil. So, how does one cultivate the mindset to do the opposite, especially as the chaos of the holidays is quickly approaching?
Good question, you might say! For me, I am going to:
1) Prioritize what MUST get completed during a given day and tackle that quickly.
2) Keep my to-do list reasonable and move things that are not essential to a later time or get rid of them altogether.
3) Make time to write and to hell with the clutter, laundry and dirty dishes during that time.
4) Enjoy my reading time and don't feel guilty about it. After all, it is important for writers to read.
5) Try to get enough sleep and eat well.
6) Make time to exercise and say my daily prayers as both keep my mind sane.
7) Spend quality time with my family as this is, ultimately, the most important part of life.
And, finally...
8) Save some time and eat the dang leftovers rather than cooking a new meal on occasion!
How about you? Care to share some of your best time management strategies in the face of a crazy holiday season?