Thursday, July 26, 2012

Goal Setting

My day planner, as I think I have mentioned before, has insight from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.   Though I don't always, I happened to read the hint for today which is based on Habit 2:  Begin With the End In Mind.  Covey says (The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, pages 135-137):

"Many people jump from goal setting to execution.  However, to achieve a goal, you must first define and then master the specific activities, tasks, behaviors, and events required to reach the goal.  It is also helpful to clearly define how you will measure success and to proactively think through possible barriers to your success and mitigate them."

This was like a lightbulb for me this morning, a major "duh" moment.  So often, I think we set our goals, do our best (or not) to achieve them but really give little consideration to how to go about it specifically or how to fight through or prevent any road blocks.  At least, I know that I don't do so.  If there is something I want to accomplish, whether it be writing or work related, I often set it as a goal but do not really set up my environment and day-to-day life to foster the completion of the goal. 

I'd love to hear any strategies you use to help yourself be successful in goal completion in your life, writing or otherwise.  Thanks, in advance, for your insight.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence Day

Happy 4th of July!  Enjoy the holiday and stay safe and cool.  Thank you all for fighting for our independence and freedom.